In the geographical world of insects the map is constantly redrawn. These days; change comes quicker than ever. The average temperature is rising, climate zones are changing and the flora of insects is spreading to latitudes where they have never been gone before.

   These unexpected visits are not always a good thing. Several of the species that migrate closer to us can carry viruses and infections that can have disastrous consequences for both humans and animals.

The Rapid Action BioTech team have been developing scent attractants and insect trap booster products for more than a decade. Our efforts to create effective insect attractants have resulted in a number of exceptional market leading products. The key to this success is not only that our insect attractants are compatible with the best-selling mosquito and insect traps available, but also that they are tailored to attract specific mosquito and insect species.

The success behind Rapid Action Sticky Paper is based on years of research in to attracting power of contrasts and adhesive bio compounds. The best Scandinavian quality of rip proof bearer and UV-resistant tack will ensure the trap stays effective until it is full no matter how warm it is or how much it rains.

Technology: Years of study tells mosquitoes are attracted to contrast patterns. Our clearly defined grass pattern is the most effective. The body of a mosquito trap is heated to replicate body heat and skin temperature. The Rapid Action Sticky Paper

covers all skin surfaces and imitates a large and attractive landing zone for the mos-quitoes to feast. Once touching the glue-trap the insect will not be able to break free.

Expectations: Smaller mosquitoes and midges often get more attracted by the sticky paper then to the guidance light drawing them close to the vacuum inlet and this is why using the sticky paper on a regular bases will increase catch rates compared to traps with only vacuum.

Rapid Action BioTech has developed a unique platform of scent attractants targeting the most common and dangerous mosquito species. These species of Mosquitoes are divided into two families, Anophelinae and Culicinae.

    Each species has very distinctive taste and preference so in order to catch them all we need a variety of different Rapid Action scent attractants. Rapid Action BioTech has established a new industry standard in order to simplify your choices when choosing attractants.

    Each Rapid Action Attractant cartridge lasts approximately 30 days depending on the weather conditions.

Rapid Action Octenol (Blue):

Most common species (Culex). 1 cartridge included in the box of Predator Dynamic.

Rapid Action Fusion Octenol (Green):

Attracts a wider spectra whithin the Culex-family

Rapid Action Asian Tiger (Red):

Asian Tiger Mosquito

Rapid Action Culex10 (Orange):

Increases catch rate up to 10 times used in combination with CO2-traps. Launch 2011.


How Predator Works

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Rapid Action

Rapid Action Octenol

Rapid Action Fusion Octenol

Rapid Action Asian Tiger

Rapid Action Culex10

Predator Dynamic – The Ultimate Mosquito Exterminator